Urban villagers in Shenzhen looking for the sunshine in cracks.
BA Graduation Design

/Hang Up! Archive/

*Team work & Publication & Interaction & Installation
*Urvan-Village *Community *Living boundary *Visual Archive

RGB Digital Printing
175g,200g speciality coated paper
Special coil binding
Glued binding

Data Visualization - Page Flip Continuous Animation

Interaction + Info Visualisation

Exhibition Installation - Simulating the real chaos situation of hanging clothes in urban villiages


As a characteristic area left behind by the urban development of Shenzhen SAR, Shenzhen's urban villages have long been plagued by the environmental problems of old self-built houses left over from the past. In recent years, with the city's "cultural creation" activities and the process of transformation of urban villages, it have gradually improved street facilities, rubbish classification, living environment, order of the residents, etc. However, the drying of clothes, shoes and socks, personal belongings, etc, which can be seen everywhere in the lanes of urban villages, is one of the disordered phenomena that still exists. This project focuses on the phenomenon of hanging and drying clothes in urban villages in Shenzhen, and the slow-paced creativity of urban village residents.

This project is led by documentary research and presented in the form of a visual archive of information, which triggers the viewer to actively think about the phenomenon of drying in Shenzhen's urban villages, conveys the precious qualities created by the residents of the villages according to their local conditions, and tries to discover the possibilities of improving the design of the drying in the urban villages.